Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia
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Lately, a magical fruit called Malabar Tamarind | Kudampuli is getting very popular after it was mentioned in a popular T. V show that it aids in weight loss.
The principal constituent of kudampuli is HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid), HCA is now popularly believed to prevent fat accumulation, suppress appetite, increase muscle mass, reduce LDL cholesterol and also improve the overall health! What was once sold as a black, unattractive looking dired fruit for adding in certain curries (especially fish curries) is now sold as a supplement in attractive bottles all over the world.
The botanical name of kudampuli is Garcinia Cambogia (old name), the new name is Garcinia Gummi Gutta. This fruit has been in use for thousands of years but not many know of it. Actually in olden days, only kudampuli was used instead of regular tamarind for imparting sour taste to certain dishes. Though both tamarind and kudampuli are sour, kudumpuli has a unique sharp sour taste.
Since kudampuli has medicinal uses it is considered best to use than normal tamarind and in Kerala they still continue to use kudampuli following the old traditions. Since it was used in olden days, it is also called as Palam Puli in Tamil, meaning tamarind that was used in olden days.
Apart from India, few other countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia also use kudampuli in their cuisine. Kudampuli also is used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote digestion and also as a remedy for arthritis and ulcers. Garcinia Cambogia Common Names & Indian Names:
It is commonly called Malabar Tamarind or Pot Tamarind in English, Hila | Velaiti Imli in Hindi, Palam Puli | Koda Puli in Tamil, Kudampuli in Kerala, Simachinta in Telugu and Uppage in Kannada. I was first introduced to kudampuli by a friend from Kerala, in Kerala they use kudampuli instead of regular tamarind in some recipes especially fish curries. Usually the fruits are dried and then used in cooking, when dried they look almost black like in the picture above.
The fresh fruit looks like a small beautiful pumpkin and the color of the fruits vary considerably from light green to yellow or red depending on the ripeness. The fresh fruits are rich in Vitamin C but it is almost unpalatable due to it's sharp sour taste.
Many confuse kokum (Garcinia Indica) with Kudampuli though they belong to the same genus, they are different. The fruits fall off the tree once ripe and the fruit once opened has seeds covered with flesh, though the flesh can be eaten, it is usually not as it is too sour. The thick outer rind is sun dried to bring the moisture level down and then smoked till it turns black spread under coconut husk.
Then the fruits are rubbed with salt and oil and then stored in earthen pots. Like our regular tamarind, kudumpuli also lasts longer but since it is smoked, always make sure to wash it well to remove any dirt before using. Here are some of the medicinal uses of garcinia cambogia: 1. Garcinia Cambogia Anti Inflammatory Properties: Garcinia cambogia has wonderful anti inflammatory properties and it is especially useful for people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.
They will greatly benefit from taking garcinia cambogia as it has both anti inflammatory and gastro protective properties, you can read the study that proves it here.
2. Garcinia Cambogia For Gastric Ulcer: Traditionally garcinia cambogia was used as a remedy for treating gastric ulcers. If you are suffering from gastric ulcers, I would suggest switching over to kudampuli instead of regular tamarind. It has wonderful anti ulcer properties, you can find the link to the study that proves it here.
3. Garcinia Cambogia Anthelmintic & Anti Bacterial Properties: Kudampuli exhibits good anti bacterial and worm killing activity. You can read the research that proves it here. 4. Garcinia Cambogia Anti Diabetic Properties:
Garcinia cambogia also reduces blood sugar levels if taken in huge amounts so diabetic patients should be careful when taking garcinia cambogia supplements. 5. Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss: It has been popularly believed to reduce body fat by inhibiting an enzyme called citric acid lysase. But though this claim was found to be true in the clinical researches done in rats, it failed to produce the same results in humans. You can read the research that proves it here.
Many companies sell pure garcinia cambogia extract for weight loss and it is generally advised to be taken before meals for suppressing appetite. I would kindly suggest researching well before taking garcinia cambogia extract as a weight loss supplement.
Where to Find Garcinia Cambogia in India? You can easily find the fresh fruits in Kerala, many village homes in Kerala have garcinia cambogia tree in their backyard. Next time I visit Kerala, I will make sure to picture fresh fruits and post it in the blog.
Dried fruits are sold in most of the departmental stores. Garcinia Cambogia Side Effects: Garcinia cambogia if taken like how it was done by our elders will not cause any harm and it has low toxicity too. But please be careful when taking it as a supplement, though many companies market it as an effective weight loss supplement, there is no concrete evidence that it works and above all some commercial formulations leads to liver toxicity, you can read the study that proves this claim here.
Dosage: If you still plan to take garcinia cambogia for weight loss, the general suggested dosage of HCA is 500 mg taken an hour before meals. I have given a recipe using natural kudampuli below, it can be used for treating stomach ulcers, intestinal worms and also for treating indigestion and inflammation of the stomach.
1. Wash kudampuli well in water to remove any dirt.
2. Soak it in water for an hour or two, the color of the water would have changed.
3. Dried kudampuli which is hard also will turn soft.
4. Boil jaggery in water till it is dissolved and then strain to remove any dirt. Add the required amount of soaked kudampuli water to it and boil for a few seconds.
5. Pound cardamom and dried ginger in a mortar and pestle coarsely. You can also grate in nutmeg if you like, I usually don't add nutmeg.
5. Add the pounded mixture along with a pinch of salt and switch off.
6. Strain and enjoy your drink.
- Kudampuli is very sour, don't add too much of the soaked water, you won't be able to drink it.
- Diabetic patients should monitor their blood sugar levels if consuming this drink.
- Try to incorporate kudampuli in regular cooking...
- I have not given any exact measurements as the amount of sourness and sweetness to be added will vary greatly from person to person. Try with very little amount of kudampuli soaked water, you can always add it later if the sourness is not enough.