Cassia Auriculata
Cassia Auriculata
Pirandai Salt For Weight Loss
Seenthil Sugar (Giloy Satva) For Diabetes
Bamboo Rice For Bone Strength and Weight Loss
Bael Fruit To Cool Body and Insomnia
Common name: Tanner's Cassia
• Hindi: Tarwar तरवड़
• Marathi: Tarwad तरवड
• Kannada: Tangedi
• Telugu: Tagedu
• Tamil: Avaram
• Gujarati: Awala
• Malayalam: Avaram
Botanical name: Senna auriculata
Family: Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family)
Synonyms: Cassia auriculata
It is useful in regulating the menstrual cycle. The flower and flower buds can be used beneficially as pessaries to check excessive menstrual flow.
The properties of the plant help in increasing the density of the sperms and is widely used in premature ejaculation.
It is also effective in skin related problems.
The seeds of tanner’s cassia find their application in purulent ophthalmia – that is, inflammation of the eye or conjunctiva. They should be finely powdered and blown into the affected eyes.
Tenner’s cassia is effective remedy for diabetes. A decoction of the whole plant or bubs can be used to treat this disease. The powder of the herb, mixed with honey, is equally efficacious in such a case. Its seeds can be used in the similar manner as flowers.
The bark of the plant is useful in checking secretion or haemorrhage.
They also restore the disordered processes of nutrition. Its leaves and petals are both mildly astringent in taste.
It also checks the flow of extra amount of urine and helps in absorption of required amount of fluids in the kidneys and intestines.
Tenner's Cassia - The leaves have laxative properties. The dried flower and flower buds are used as substitute.
Cassia auriculata is the botanical name for avaram poo and it is proven to control and reduce blood sugar levels.
Avarampoo can be cool dried, powdered and used as a tea which helps to rejuvenate and cure diabetes.
The powder of Tenner`s Cassia seeds is applied in the eyes for cataract and improving the general condition of eyes. The leaves act as a revitaliser. They alleviate feverishness and create a feeling of coolness. The leaves contain minute amounts of mucilage, though they are absolutely non-toxic; the taste and smell are unappetising. A combination of the leaves forms a refreshing drink. Its seeds also induce a chilling effect.
It is used to be effective in numerous cases like, diabetes, conjunctivitis, aching throat, troubled menstruation, opthalmia, also arresting bleeding. Even diseases like diarrhea and dysentery can be cured by the plant.Cassia auriculata is a much branched , an ever green medicinal shrub with attractive bright yellow color flowers belongs to the family of fabaceae .It has many medicinal properties and cures many diseases . In Tamil it is called Aavaaram poo .There is a Tamil proverb about this plant " aavaarai pooththirukka saavaarai kandathundo " the closest meaning of this aavaaram flower gives longevity to life .It can be seen in the dry places ,sea coast and road sides of India and Srilanka .Traditionally it has been used for curing diabetes .It is used in Indian system of alternative medicines like siddha ,ayurveda ,herbal ,and folk medicines for curing many diseases .The whole plant have medicinal properties and used for many ailments .It contains antioxidants ,cardiac glucosides ,anthraguinones and tannins .Flowers of this plant is having an anti bacterial ,anti diabetic and laxative property .It is very useful in- Controls diabetes- urinary problems- kidney disorders- regulating menstrual cycle- skin related problems- removes body bad odor- treat conjunctive eyes- good laxative- improve complexion in women- reduce body heat and burning foot- reduce dryness of the skin- rejuvenate the body- apply this flower past on your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes after that wash your face with water your face will glow .- flower powder is mixed with sikkakkaai is used for hair wash that results you will get a lustre and healthy hair .- The leaves and flowers past is used as a scrab or soap for bathing .- flowers and buds are used for preparing tea instead of normal tea for diabetic patients .It will reduce the blood sugar levels drastically.Take one teaspoon full of this flower powder add one glass of water to it and boil it to make a half ,filter it add some milk and sugar to it and then have as a tea .- The root is used for preparing decoctions against fevers ,diabetes ,constipation ,urinary problems ,gout and gonorrhea .- we can make a dish from this flower with green gram dhal and red gram dal adding green chillies ,onion ,cumin seeds and coconut .This is good for our health .flower powder is available in all herbal stores .