Abrus precatorius

Abrus precatorius

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 Abrus precatorius medicinal uses, dosage and side effects

Abrus precatorius plant is a legume that has long, pinnate leaves. It is a high-climbing, woody vine with twining or trailing, thin, herbaceous branches. The leaves remain petioled, even-pinnate, and opposite. They are 2-5 inches long, and leaves are oval to oblong and grow in 5 to 15 pairs. The leaflets are 2 cm long. In this article, we will talk about Abrus precatorius medicinal uses.
The dense flowers cluster in leaf axils, white, violet, or pink small and pale. The seeds are brilliant red with a black spot. The uniform size and weight of the seeds made jewellers use them for measuring gold and silver.

Common name

The common name is Rosary beads. People also call it Gundumani, crab’s eye, or Rosary pea.

Botanical name or family

The botanical name for this plant is Abrus precatorius. It belongs to the Fabaceae family.

Geological places where Abrus precatorius plant grows

It grows well in the tropical and subtropical areas of India, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Philippine Islands. You find them in central and southern Florida, tropical West Indies and Africa.

Abrus precatorius Medicinal uses

You have two varieties of the Abrus precatorius. One has red seeds while the other has white seeds. The oil prepared from the white seeds has aphrodisiac properties. All parts of the plant have poison with most concentrated in the seeds.
The most dominant poison is Abrin that dissolves in water. The venomous nature disappears when you boil the seeds. Powdered seeds boiled in milk find use as a nervine tonic.

The actions of the seeds are of five types.
  1. Purgative
  2. Aphrodisiac
  3. Emetic
  4. Ophthalmic
  5. Tonic
Cures eye complaints: One of the common complaints that it cures is purulent conjunctivitis. It is useful for a variety of other eye complaints as well.

Controls inflammation: When inflammation spreads to the face and neck due to infection, the patient develops pain. You can control this by the use of the powder of the Abrus precatorius.

Cure Epithelioma: These are growths that can either be benign or malignant. The most type is the squamous cell carcinoma. Use the preparation of the Abrus precatorius to help with the cure.

Cure Ulcers: You can cure ulcers by using the infusion of the powder of the Gundumani plant.

Granular ophthalmia: This is a chronic, contagious, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. It is also called as Egyptian conjunctivitis. The powder of the rosary beads will help ease the symptoms.

Keratitis: This is an inflammation of the cornea. An infection might be causing this. Use the powder to wash the eye.

Angina pectoris: Also called ischemic chest pain, the ailment angina pectoris happens due to coronary heart disease. You can get relief by drinking the tea prepared from the powder of the Abrus precatorius.

Myocardial infarction: High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes increase the chance of a heart attack. So, you can improve the health condition by having tea prepared from the powdered leaves. Find home remedies for diabetes.

Valvular insufficiency: We call this the leaky valve. This happens when the valve does not close tight. You can improve the condition by having Gundumani.

Cellulites: This is the folded skin that most women have after childbirth. You can remove the marks and get firmer skin by the use of the infusion of the powder of rosary pea.

Gangrene: Gangrene is the decay of the flesh caused due to the incorrect healing of wounds. Apply the mixture of the powder with water to the wound and get relief.

Gastritis: Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach. If left untreated it can lead to ulcers and in some cases stomach cancer. You can cure gastritis by drinking tea made with the powder of the Abrus precatorius leaves.

Hypertension: High blood pressure comes without any visible signs. Get relief for hypertension by having the infusion of the powdered leaves.

Nephritis: This is the inflammation of the kidneys that can lead to kidney failure if left untreated. Have the tea prepared from leaves to improve the health of the kidneys.

Brain tumour: When abnormal cells form within the brain, we call it brain tumour. You can slow the formation of the tumour by including the infusion of the Rosary beads plant parts in your diet.

Cardiomyopathy: Another name for this is heart muscle disease. The only symptoms are shortness of breath. Take the tea of the Gundumani to get relief for this ailment.

Epilepsy: This is the chronic disorder where you experience recurrent seizures. This is because the nerve cell activity in the brain remains changed. You can reduce the incidence of seizures by having the infusion of the powder of the plant daily.

Septicaemia shock: This is the condition when the patient goes into shock when he has organ injury. The reason for this is the low blood pressure. By having the tea of the leaves of the Gundumani, you can keep the blood pressure up and avoid the shock.

Tetanus: Also called lockjaw, this disease can cause the tightening of the muscles throughout the body. The tetanus bacterium causes this. You can decrease the muscle spasms by using the infusion of the leaves of the Abrusprecatorius.

Purpura: This is a condition of the skin where you experience blood leaking under the skin. This results in purple patches that do not blanch when you apply pressure.

The symptoms of poisoning by Abrus Precatorius

The symptoms of poisoning remain delayed by a few hours to 2-3 days. Symptoms shown when one has uncooked seeds are these:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Sunken eyes
  • Cold perspiration
  • Trembling of the hands
  • Dyspnoea
  • Weak
  • Rapid and irregular pulse
  • Vertigo and faintness
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Oliguria
  • Features of uraemia
Death occurs due to cardiac failure within 3-5 days.

Dosage for medicinal use after purification

You use the root and leaf powder 1-3 grams. The seed powder you take 60- 180 mg per day. The seed and plant leaf need purification before use. When cooked, the poison loses its toxicity.

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