Permanent Solution For Piles (Hemorrhoids) With Cissus Quadrangularis Salt...
Permanent Solution For Piles (Hemorrhoids)
With Cissus Quadrangularis Salt...
One of the root causes of piles based on habits. If the hemorrhoids are present, Our character will be changed to that will make us feel weird at all times.
In Siddha medicine, hemorrhoids was divided into several categories.
They are...
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Hemorrhoids Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Relief
What is the definition of a hemorrhoid?
Internal hemorrhoids are located above the pectinate line and are covered with cells that are the same as those that line the rest of the intestines. External hemorrhoids arise below the line and are covered with cells that resemble skin.
Hemorrhoids become an issue only when they begin to swell, causing itching, pain and/or bleeding.
What causes hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoid swelling occurs when there is an increase in the pressure in the small vessels that make up the hemorrhoid causing them to swell and engorge with blood. This causes them to increase in size leading to symptoms. Increased pressure may be caused by a variety of factors:
- Low fiber diet and smaller caliber stool causes a person to strain when having a bowel movement, increasing the pressure within the blood vessels.
- Pregnancy is associated with hemorrhoid swelling and is likely due to increased pressure of the enlarged uterus on the rectum and anus. In addition, hormonal changes with pregnancy may weaken the muscles that support the rectum and anus.
- Prolonged sitting on the toilet may increase pressure within the hemorrhoid blood vessels
- Obesity
- Diarrhea, both acute and chronic
- Colon cancer
- Previous rectal surgery
- Spinal cord injury and lack of erect posture
Quick Guide How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids: Causes and Treatments
Rectal Bleeding Symptoms and Causes
Blood in the stool can be bright red, maroon in color, black and tarry, or occult (not visible to the naked eye). Examples of causes of blood in the stool are:- Hemorrhoids
- Cancer
- Anal fissures
- Crohn's disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Anal cancer
Read more about rectal bleeding symptoms and causes »
What are the signs and symptoms of a hemorrhoid?
- painless bleeding,
- anal itching,
- pain,
- swelling and feeling a lump at the anus are all associated with an inflamed hemorrhoid.
When an internal hemorrhoid becomes inflamed, it can cause swelling. This in itself does not cause pain because there are no pain fibers attached to the veins above the pectinate line. Passing a hard stool can scrape off the thinned lining of the hemorrhoid causing painless bleeding. However, the swollen hemorrhoid can also cause spasm of the muscles that surround the rectum and anus causing pain, especially if they protrude or prolapse through the anus. A lump can be felt at the anal verge. Internal hemorrhoids can also thrombose (clot) leading to severe pain.
The inflamed hemorrhoid can leak mucus that can cause inflammation of the skin surrounding the anus causing burning and itching, known as pruritis ani. However, other causes of itching include yeast and other skin infections and parasites like pinworms. Most importantly, just as blood in the stool should not ignored in the stool because it mike be a sign of colon cancer, anal itching or bleeding should not be presumed to be due to hemorrhoids because it can be a sign of anal cancer tumor.
External hemorrhoids behave differently since they are covered by "regular skin" and have pain fibers associated with them. A thrombosed external hemorrhoid occurs when an underlying vein within the hemorrhoid clots off causing intense pain from the rapid stretching of the skin covering the hemorrhoid. A hard painful lump can be felt at the anus. External hemorrhoids can also result in excess skin tags that can be felt at the anal verge and can cause difficulties with cleaning after a bowel movement, leading to secondary skin infections.
What does a hemorrhoid look like?
How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids made?
Physical examination is performed to confirm the diagnosis and includes a rectal examination where a finger is used to feel for abnormal lumps or masses. Interestingly, internal hemorrhoids cannot usually be felt. The rectal exam may be deferred if there is intense pain or swelling. In addition, hemorrhoids and constipation may be associated with anal fissures or cracks in the skin surrounding the anus. The associated pain and spasm makes a rectal exam very uncomfortable.
If the health care professional is concerned that the symptoms, especially rectal bleeding, cannot be explained by hemorrhoids, anoscopy may be considered. Anoscopy is an office procedure where a lighted tube is inserted to look at the anus. Sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy may be ordered if there is concern that the bleeding is arising from other areas of the colon. These procedures are usually performed by a gastroenterologist or surgeon.
Depending upon the situation, blood tests may be ordered. If there has been excessive bleeding, the hemoglobin or red blood cell count may be checked. If the patient is taking warfarin (Coumadin), an INR (international normalized ratio) or PT (protime) may be ordered to check for appropriate blood "thinning". Please note that there are many newer anticoagulation medications available to "thin" the blood and their activity cannot be measured by routine blood tests.
How are hemorrhoids treated?
Prevention is perhaps the most effective treatment. Diet and adequate hydration are very important to maintain normal bowel movements. Hemorrhoid symptoms can occur with the passage of hard stool and constipation, as well as diarrhea and frequent bowel movements. For patients with constipation, high fiber diet, adequate hydration and stool softeners may be required. For those with too frequent bowel movements, antidiarrheal medications and diet adjustments may be required. These preventive measures decrease the amount of straining that is required to have a bowel movement, thus decreasing the pressure within the blood vessels to prevent swelling.
Once hemorrhoidal symptoms develop, a variety of treatment options exist, depending upon the situation and severity of the hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids are graded by the degree of prolapse below the pectinate line into the anal canal.
- Grade 1: the internal hemorrhoid bulges into the canal but does not prolapse or fall completely into it. These may bleed.
- Grade 2: the hemorrhoid protrudes past the anal verge with straining for a bowel movement or passage of flatus, but spontaneously return to their original internal position once the straining has subsided.
- Grade 3: the hemorrhoid may protrude past the anal verge without any straining and requires the patient to push them inside manually.
- Grade 4: the internal hemorrhoid always stays protruded or prolapsed and is at risk for thrombosis or strangulation should the anal muscles go into spasm.
OTC medications and home remedies for hemorrhoids
- Medications are used to control symptoms by softening the stool, decreasing the inflammation of the hemorrhoids and treating the pain.
- Stool softeners work by increasing the water and fat content within the stool allowing it to be passed more easily. Docusate sodium is most often recommended drug in this class (Colace, Surfak, Correctal).
- Inflammation can be controlled with over-the-counter creams or suppositories. Some brand ingredients (Preparation H) include low dose topical anesthetics to help with symptoms. Others (Anusol, witch hazel) contain astringents that help shrink the swollen tissues. Both may contain low dose steroids (hydrocortisone) to decrease inflammation. People with diabetes should check with their pharmacist or health care professional before using OTC hemorrhoid treatments. If the medication contains a vasoconstrictor (for example, phenylephrine HCI, ephedrine, or epinephrine) it may elevate blood sugar levels if absorbed in large amounts.
- Prescription strength lidocaine or hydrocortisone may be offered by the health care professional.
Non-surgical approaches
Hemorrhoid surgery
A thrombosed external hemorrhoid indicates that a clot has formed in the hemorrhoid causing significant pain. Treatment involves cutting into the hemorrhoid to remove the clot and reduce the swelling.
What is the prognosis for hemorrhoids?
The goal is to control hemorrhoid inflammation by diet and hydration so that surgery is not required. In this respect, hemorrhoids are a life-long condition, to be controlled and not cured.